Grey Hair | for Video, 4 voices, and 4 instruments
Grey Hair | for Video, 4 voices, and 4 instruments
Frequenz Ludwig | for Chambers Orchester (2024) (UA)
Frequenz Ludwig | for Chambers Orchester (2024) (UA)
Frequenz Ludwig | for Chambers Orchester (2024) (UA)
RE:Wildling | Screening by "Celluloidra Revolverrel" festival
Vortrag | Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
Vortrag | Hochschule für Musik Würzburg
Esslingen Podium | „Cosmic static. Deep listening with Bruckner“
Vortrag: „Musik als Transgenneratonales Medium zur Erinnerung und Kritik in China“| Humboldt Universität
FLUIDITY | Symposium on Female and Non-binary People in Multimedia
Kompositionsworkshop für Jugendliche in Weikersheim | 2 - 7. April 2024
Lorry 39 | Musiktheater HfM Nürnburg
Lorry 39 | Musiktheater HfM Nürnburg
Double Wings | Cello Duet and Video | Zoe Cartier | Into the open | Kühlhaus Berlin
RE:Wildling | 37. Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Hair - Medusa meets L'Oreál | Universität für Muwik und darsteleende Kunst Wien | Reina Yoshioka & Jingyi Zhai
Glissadulation - HfMT - Prof. Susanne Blumenthal - York Höllers 80. Geburtstag
Coffee & Tea (2013) For Ensemble and Electronics
Virulent | flute solo | BKA Theater Berlin
HAIR- Medusa meets L’Oréal | Theater im Delphi
Biliana Voutchkova & Joanna Mattrey
Ensemble Reflektor | Wolfgang Lehmann | Filmfest Weiterstadt
The work has been chosen for a grand screening at the Filmfest Weiterstadt on August 13th at 8:00 PM.
EMULsonic |Asianart Ensemble | 15.05.2023, 20h | Konzerthaus Berlin | UA
Of Detours and Updates | Klangforum Heidelberg | BETRIEBSWERK, Heidelberg | UA
Last bit… | Holly Hyun Choe | Ensemble Reflektor | PODIUM-Esslingen | MAILLE – ESSLINGEN | UA
Ö1 – ORF – Zeitton | Marie-Therese Rudolph
Villa Concordia in Bamberg | April 2023 to March 2024
Schmutz | Johannes Kalitzke | ZHDK | Jamila Garayusifli | Toni-Areal, Konzertsaal 3, Zürich
Janus | Sextet | conductor: Jobst Liebrecht | UA | Berlin
Züricher Hochschule der Künste | Toni-Areal, Konzertsaal 3, Ebene 7, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich
Lorry 39| Libretto: Andreas Karl | Regie: Thomas Fiedler | Theater Freiburg | SWR Experimentalstudio
RE:Wildling | Music by Ying Wang | Film by Wolfgang Lehmann | Kommnuales Kino Freiburg
COPYLEFT (UA) | Quatuor Diotima | Cité de la Musique, Philharmonie de Paris
ROBOTICtack /BlackHole, Big Bang! | Musica Assoluta |Tonstudio Tessmar | Thorsten Ecke
ROBOTICtack (ÖA) | ENSEMBLE KONTRAPUNKT | Musikverein | Gottfried Gabl
Re:Wilding (UA) | Ensemble Reflektor | Halle 424 Hamburg | Bar Avni
528Hz 8va| DSO Berlin | KAREN KAMENSEK | Ultraschall Festival | Haus des Rundfunk Berlin
COPYLEFT (UA) | Quatuor Diotima | Philharmonie de Paris
"In my music I transform the world of today, its crises and tragedies, as well as its beauty and diversity – there is both screaming criticism and delightful admiration for this world in my music.”