for erhu, piano and electronics (2017), 13 min.
Commissioned by Lin-Ni Liao, Timf – TaiWan international Music Festival
Premiere: 17.04.2017 Taipei
Erhu: Yi Jie WANG
Piano: Jennifer Hymmer
Sound Engineer: Monica Gil Giraldo
At the click of shutter, we record on the film the images, the events, the persons, and emotions. A snapshot falling out from old stuff
always takes us back to the past. Each click keeps a story. As time goes, we change in appearance and families may leave us. Wars
become the past and everything is in peace now. In a snapshot, we are touched with love, tears, fears, pain and the eternity filled
with precious instants.
At the Click we keep the image but not the sound. In the stream of time, we could not return to the past but could only move forward.
Every single second will always become the past, and the lost sound will never be recorvered. To capture the losing sound, we
stretch arms out with eyes wide open, yet it disappears-just like the time sifts through fingers-into the eternal chaos.
This piece features two musicians playing steel strings, who beat, vibrate, pluck and scratch the strings with bow and drum sticks.
Electrnoic signals wind with the visual and audio heights; fingers compete with a passion for speed and strength.